Lion on the Field

This is a fiction novel in draft: a tale of war, honour, challenges of the spirit, tragedy, miracles, love, and prophecy. A little something for everyone with a goodly dose of magic in a fictional world similar to the dark ages and fantasy genres. ENJOY!!

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Friday, November 11, 2011

day 7 challenges

Word Challenge ::

Word: Defenestration
Definition: The act of throwing something (or someone) from a window.
Example: "Sir, it seems as though the victim died due to defenestration. More accurately, he died when he landed on the spiked fence below the three story window," Dominic said to his Chief after pretending to sort through his papers.

Theme Challenge ::

Include a situation where a character commits an 'irredeemable' crime -- and seeks redemption anyway.

Plot Challenge ::

One of your characters has their most prized possession stolen from them, and they resort to violence to get it back.

Character Challenge ::

Have a character develop a phobia to slugs.


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